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Stand out from the crowd with a brilliant USP at your childcare centre

Stand out from the crowd with a brilliant USP at your childcare centre

Spring has officially sprung, which signifies two things – the end of the year is drawing closer (see you later 2020!) and the New Year re-enrolment period is now upon us.

However, if you thought the re-enrolment process would be just like every other year, it’s time to think again.

With increased competition (16,152 operating Centres at last count), changing legislation and the continually unpredictable situation surrounding COVID-19, this 2021 re-enrolment period is set to look a little different.

More than ever before, Families are being bombarded from every angle with an abundance of marketing activity. In order to successfully build your waitlist and enrolments for the New Year, it’s crucial that you’re able to cut through this crowded and noisy space and clearly articulate who you are and what you offer to prospective Families.

How do you do this? By nailing your USP.

childcare USP

What is a USP, you ask?

A USP or Unique Selling Proposition is a marketing concept that refers to what you offer that no-one else does in the market – what it is that makes your Centre unique.

Whether it’s a higher quality of care, lower daily fees, flexible care options or a focus on sustainability or technological advances, a strong selling proposition, that is well communicated, will help prospective Families quickly understand what your Centre can offer them and why they should choose you over the many competitors close by.

It’s about being memorable and creating an impression in the eyes of prospective Families. Without a clear USP you’ll have a hard time convincing Families why they shouldn’t go with a competitor.

So, how do you find your USP?

Finding your USP means having a good understanding of your target market, your competition, and the sector. Here our Marketing Team outline 5 steps to help you to define your USP and get it out to market.

Step 1: Understand YOUR target audience

Developing a USP begins with understanding your target audience. The good news is, you already have a wealth of information at your fingertips to begin compiling your target audience profiles.

Dig in and analyse your Family data – Who are they? How old are they? Where do they live and work? What do they value? This information will allow you to develop a relatively comprehensive target audience profile – and don’t forget that you can have several different audiences that you cater to.

Overlay this data with information from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, local social media groups, interactions from your own social channels, reviews, and even local real estate profiles. By now you should have a very comprehensive understanding of your target audiences.

We suggest physically drawing each person/persona out on paper (and even giving them a name) to give you a clear visual representation of your target audiences. This will help you later on when developing your marketing plan and collateral – you’ll be able to clearly target each piece of content to each persona. Here is a great place to start.

Step 2: Write down what you’re good at

Next, develop a list of all the distinctive benefits that you offer Families.

Maybe it’s a health program, fantastic outdoor area, specific in-centre programs or a great location – list every single one as these attributes are all potential selling points for your Centre.

Don’t forget to ask your team for insights and help – the more ideas the better.

Step 3: Spy on the competition

Now take a look at all of your local competitors and list what they are offering prospective Families.

You’re probably already aware of most of your competitors, if not, Care 4 Kids can help point you in the right direction. Set aside a good portion of time and look at:

  • What services they offer
  • Opening times, ages, fees and any special discounts
  • Their facilities – both indoors and outdoors
  • Meals, curriculum and enrichment programs offered
  • Promotional activities
  • Their USP


4. It’s time to solve problems!

Marketing a product used to be as easy as telling customers what they should buy. Times have really changed. Now, it’s all about solving their problems and appealing to their desires.

Screen your USP’s against your competitors. Remove the selling propositions that are already being met well by competitors. Don’t forget that your USP is a unique selling proposition so you are looking for a gap in the market.

At the same time, you need to look at those needs that aren’t being met by anyone, and also think about the key trends in the industry now and emerging.

Match the remaining potential USP’s from step 2 against what you and your business are especially good at, and what your audiences care most about. This will help you to define how you want to be seen.

Bingo – your USP should become clear.

Double-check that you have the right USP. Does it convey a strong benefit? Is it memorable? Is it clear who you are targeting from the USP? Can you deliver what it promises? Is it really unique – or could a competitor claim the same thing?

Step 5: Advertise

Now you know what your audience is looking for, what you do well and what differentiates you from your competitors, but if you don’t communicate that clearly to prospective Families through all the marketing collateral and content you create, it won’t make a difference.

As the founder of Revlon Charles Revson once said, “in our factory, we make lipstick. In our advertising, we sell hope.” By focusing on what you can do for Families, rather than simply the product of childcare, you can create a more powerful sales and marketing strategy based on empathy and human connection.

It’s about starting a relationship with prospective Families, building their trust over time—and without them even realising it—becoming the only option when the time comes for them to choose a childcare provider.

Always ask yourself if your image and activity clearly communicates the benefits you are offering to each of the audiences you have defined. Targeting a specific audience does not mean that you’re excluding people who do not fit your criteria. Rather, you are targeting your marketing efforts (and dollars) on a specific audience that are more likely to choose you than other audiences. This is a much more affordable, efficient, and effective way to reach prospective Families and generate new enrolments.

Now you’re ready to kick start your marketing and advertising for the New Year – we’ve got you covered here too with this blog.

What’s next?

Set some time aside and get to work!

But don’t be fooled, creating a truly effective USP takes time, care and effort and it’s so important to get it right the first time around – first impressions count. There are a lot of great USP examples out there to help inspire you (here are 5 of the best to get you started) but it might be time to bring in the big guns to kick start the process.

That’s where Enrolment Hub can help.

Our in-house Marketing Team have extensive experience working with providers of all sizes to develop and uncover their truly unique selling propositions.  

Our focus is on ensuring providers stand out from the pack and reach interested Families by fulfilling their enrolment needs at the right time with the right content using the right platforms.

Enrolment Hub – Your Partner

Enrolment Hub offers a comprehensive range of services, including childcare administration, childcare management services, childcare enquiry, childcare centre enrolment, childcare marketing solutions, childcare debt support, new child care centre support, childcare software management, childcare centre resources, vacation care management and childcare centre consultants

Why not organise a chat with the Marketing Team today to see how we can work together? Simply get in touch with Tracey Daniel on 02 8123 2300 or send her an email at: traceyd@enrolmenthub.com.

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