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Is content still king in 2023?

social content in childcare

Is content still king in 2023?

social content in childcareYou’ve heard the saying, but in 2023 is social content still king in childcare marketing? The short answer is yes.

Developing engaging, exciting, and interesting content as part of your daycare marketing strategy can be lots of fun, but it’s also hard work. It takes thought, creativity, originality and most importantly time – lots of time.

Like many Childcare Providers and Centre Directors, you probably don’t have a lot of time to dedicate to developing your social content calendar.

We get it – that’s why we’ve created one for you!

Read on to download our free 30-day social content calendar (that is guaranteed to boost your existing childcare marketing plans!).

What is content marketing?

According to Stevie Dillon of Stevie Says Social, content marketing is defined as ‘providing content that people find interesting and valuable to attract them to you, and to make them WANT to do business with you’ – or in the case of a childcare marketing strategy, enrol their child with you.

Social content allows you to:

  • Tell your unique Centre/brand story and build awareness of your Centre, offering and inclusions
  • Connect you with your community and potential families, without always having to be so obvious with your sales techniques
  • Stand out amongst your local competitors
  • Attract Families that share your same ethos and values – also known as your ideal customer
  • Build an audience that is all your own that you have control over

It is an incredibly powerful tool to help you build trust, generate leads, and cultivate community loyalty, but because it has become the new normal from the consumer side it takes a lot of work to plan and generate all that content!

Content: Understanding the rules

To make life easier, it’s important to understand the 50/20/20/10 rule. Understanding this will help to refine your daycare content marketing strategy and more easily plan your content.

It also helps to ensure you’re keeping your community up to date on your Childcare Centre/ team/offering without overselling your centre.

In any given week – or period of time, you should aim for posts that include:

  • 50% Enjoyment – This is content that your community will love and enjoy – so think of it as a look into the activities/programs children are engaged in at your Childcare Centre, sharing recipes, giveaways, memes, contests, informative videos and generally all the fun things that occur at your Centre each day.
  • 20% Cheerleading – This is all about highlighting your successes such as awards, team member honours, anniversaries, birthdays, team building and any corporate social responsibility you take part in etc.
  • 20% Centre/Brand information – This is content about your Childcare Centre/brand that isn’t obviously selling. Think announcing new programs, team members, delving into your brand story and your offered programs etc.
  • 10% The sell – The smallest category. Content falling in this category is any content that has a direct Call-to-Action (CTA) for your community to enrol, book a tour, join a waitlist etc. It’s obviously selling your Centre.

The childcare marketing social content calendar

Jumpstart the childcare content marketing process and download our free social content calendar here.

It’s simple, clear, and easily shareable with your team.

This calendar will help you to:

  • Get your content ratio’s right, saving you hours having to plan your daycare marketing posts
  • Prompt you each day with a topic to post about – no more having to come up with ideas
  • Understand how to serve your community the content they want and elevate your Centre through education
  • It’s also reusable, so with minor tweaks, you can reuse and recycle it each month to keep your content flowing!

Don’t have the time to create your childcare marketing content calendar or the actual content for posting? We can help you with that too!

Our in-house Childcare Marketing Team have a lot of experience developing strategic and engaging content for Early Learning Centres – focused on building trust and setting your Centre apart (and above) from your local competitors.

We can create a unique package tailored specifically to your Centre’s goals, community, and requirements, so why not get in touch today and see how we can work together to create a winning daycare marketing strategy?

Enrolment Hub – Your Partner

Enrolment Hub offers a comprehensive range of services, including childcare administration, childcare management solutions, childcare centre enrolment, childcare marketing solutions, childcare debt support, new child care centre support, childcare software management, childcare centre resources, vacation care management, childcare enquiry support, and child care consultants

Give us a call on 02 8123 2300 or send an email here and let’s get started!

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