Increasing costs, changing entitlements, changing (or uncertain) work arrangements and shifting Family demands – these are just some of the pressures facing Families.
For many Families, one of the biggest questions looming is whether they can afford to continue to send their child to Childcare.
With enrolments being confirmed over the next few weeks, we know that many Centre Managers are fielding questions from both new and existing Families regarding the cost of Childcare fees and subsequently their enrolment.
With many Families undertaking a cost vs. benefit analysis of Childcare, it’s so important that Providers and Centre Managers are able to articulate the benefits of Childcare, and why it’s such an essential part of every child’s early years journey.
To help with these conversations, our team have laid out some simple responses you can utilise in your discussions with Families over this time.
Why is Childcare so important?
1. 0-5 = our most formative years
We all know that early childhood is the most critical time for children to build social, cognitive, emotional and cultural connections. In fact, up to 90% of a child’s brain development occurs in those first 5 years, with more than 1 million new neural connections forming every second.
That wiring is formed, either as a strong or weak foundation depending heavily on each child’s educational interactions with the world around them, and it can have lasting effects on their ability to learn, cope and socialise as they move towards adulthood.
A new study published by the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health found that children who attended high-quality centre-based care for at least one year had lower rates of emotional, behavioural, relationship and attention problems later in life compared with children who were cared for by a Family member or babysitter.
This highlights just how important it is that children are provided with a well-rounded and structured early learning curriculum in those first 5 years – something they receive in spades within an early learning Centre.
2. An overflow of enrichment programs
From sports programs, Artists in Residence, music classes, swimming lessons, yoga sessions and so much more – a lot of Childcare Providers now offer Families a range of enrichment programs as part of the daily fee for care.
These enrichment programs offer children a far more comprehensive and holistic learning experience than many Families are able to offer at home – they’re also included as part of the weekly program, ensuring that Families weekends, and precious after work hours can remain relaxed and free from the rush around to try to fit these formative activities in.
3. Parents and children can focus on their work
As many Families will attest over the last 6 months, full-time work whilst also caring for a child under 5 years is virtually impossible
‘The national shift to home-based work and schooling has had challenging consequences for parents, especially mothers’ said Shauna Shames, Associate Professor of Political Science at Rutgers University. ‘Work and Family are both full time pursuits. If the problem is framed as a choice between them, the battle is lost, since Family will usually win’ she continued.
Childcare offers working parents and guardians the opportunity to focus solely on their work – without distraction or interruption.
The same can be said for children.
As Maria Montessori once said, ‘Play is the work of the child’, and it’s through a comprehensive play-based curriculum that children are able to engage in their work – using creativity to develop their imagination, dexterity, physical, cognitive, and emotional strength.
Without a focused approach, and an abundance of resources, children lack the environment they need to perform their work – just as parents do.
Childcare offers children a veritable wonderland of experiences and resources focused solely on creating an environment that promotes and encourages exploration, learning and discovery – something even the best play room at home would struggle to offer.
4. Structure, routine and resilience
It may not look like it, but children are following a rigorous schedule when they attend Childcare – blissfully unaware of the ticking clock that contains their routine.
These schedules and routines provide children with order and stability and support them to regulate their lives in a world that is often fast-paced and busy.
The structure and routine encased withing an early learning curriculum teaches children how to constructively manage themselves and their environments. And for Families, this means ‘fewer power struggles, reduced stress and anxiety over what is coming next, independent children who have less need to be oppositional, better sleep and the development of healthy habits’ said Dr Laura Markham of Aha Parenting – a win for everyone!
So, what can YOU do to encourage Families into care?
With so many care options available to Families, it’s so important that you’re encouraging every Family to enrol with your Centre. How can you do this? Read on.
1. Ensure every enquiry is answered immediately
That first point of contact, that first impression that a Family receives of your Centre, is crucial to how they will see and experience your Centre in every subsequent interaction. ‘It’s about building connections and relationships from their very first experience and nurturing that relationship throughout the enrolment journey’ said Enrolment Hub Director Tracey Daniel.
Need a little help? Our Early Learning Enquiries Team are here to lend support. They can answer every call and enquiry for you – answer all those Family questions regarding the Centre, offering, and the enrolment process and book them on a Centre tour. This ensures that every single enquiry is answered and that your precious time is focused on where it matters!
2. Educate yourself on the benefits available
It’s a very confusing time for Families right now, with so many changes occurring in quick succession, they’ll be looking to you as the expert to guide them as to how they can maximise their entitlements during this period and continue their child’s early learning journey.
Keep up to date by regularly checking the below resources as well as your local state government information.
- Services Australia Child Care Subsidy information
- Department of Education COVID-19 information
- Early Childhood Education and Care COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions
3. Ace your sales pitch on every Centre tour
Work to refine your sales pitch to ensure that you’re articulating all the benefits, programs and add-ons that you offer Families as part of your early learning curriculum and make sure you hit each one throughout the tour.
Talk through the psychological, social and educational benefits of Childcare for both children and Families and encourage Families to ask all their burning questions. Have conviction when answering them to provide Families with the faith that you know what you’re talking about and the confidence to know the investment they are placing in you is justified.
4. Make your enrolment journey easy for Families
Once a tour is completed, make it as easy as possible for Families to enrol their child.
There are so many options out there to assist busy Centre Managers with this often-time-consuming task. Whether it’s an online enrolment form as part of your CCMS, an automated email marketing sequence or dedicated childcare enrolments team – there’s no excuse for not making the most of the warm opportunity to convert the Family from interested to enrolled.
This is often where a centralised early learning enrolments team can really help your team. They’re able to focus solely on developing strong relationships with Families, taking the necessary time to provide a seamless, easy and most importantly personalised experience for each Family. Listening to what they need and working with your team to provide it.
What does the future look like?
It can feel overwhelming for many Providers and Centre Managers but remember you’re not alone. Our team are here to help you every step of the way as we navigate the re-enrolment period together.
Enrolment Hub – Your Partner
Enrolment Hub offers a comprehensive range of services, including childcare administration, childcare management solutions, childcare centre enrolment, childcare marketing solutions, childcare debt support, new child care centre support, childcare software management, childcare centre resources, vacation care management, childcare enquiry support, and child care consultants
Director Scott Monaghan is always happy to chat about how our team can support you. Just give him a call on 02 8123 2300 or send him an email at