Enrolment Hub

How to Communicate Value and Support Early Learning Families Effectively

How to Encourage Families to Enrol at Early Learning Centres

How to Communicate Value and Support Early Learning Families Effectively

How to Encourage Families to Enrol at Early Learning Centres

How to Encourage Families to Enrol at Early Learning Centres

Increasing costs, changing entitlements, fluctuating work arrangements, and evolving family demands—these are just a few of the pressures families are facing as they consider early learning enrolments for the coming year. With enrolment decisions being confirmed soon, many early learning centre managers are fielding questions from both new and existing families regarding the costs and benefits of enrolling their children.

Why Is Early Learning So Important?

0-5 Years: Our Most Formative Years

Early childhood is a critical time for children to build social, cognitive, emotional, and cultural connections. In fact, up to 90% of a child’s brain development occurs in the first five years, with more than one million new neural connections forming every second. This foundational wiring, influenced by educational interactions, has lasting effects on a child’s ability to learn, cope, and socialise as they grow.

A study published by the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health found that children who attended high-quality, centre-based care for at least one year had lower rates of emotional, behavioural, relationship, and attention problems later in life compared to those cared for by a family member or babysitter. This underscores the importance of a well-rounded, structured early learning curriculum provided by professional centres.

An Overflow of Enrichment Programs

From sports programs, artists in residence, music classes, swimming lessons, to yoga sessions, many early learning providers now offer a range of enrichment activities as part of the daily fee. These programs provide a comprehensive and holistic learning experience that many families might not be able to offer at home. Including such activities in the weekly program allows families to enjoy their weekends and after-work hours without the rush of fitting in formative activities.

Supporting Both Parents and Children

As many families have experienced over the past few years, balancing full-time work while caring for a young child can be challenging. Early learning centres offer working parents the opportunity to focus on their work without distraction, knowing their child is in a safe, nurturing environment.

For children, play is crucial for development. As Maria Montessori once said, “Play is the work of the child.” Through a play-based curriculum, children develop their imagination, dexterity, physical, cognitive, and emotional strength. Early learning centres provide an environment rich in resources and experiences that foster exploration and discovery—something even the best playroom at home might struggle to offer.

Structure, Routine, and Resilience

While it might not be apparent, children follow a structured schedule at early learning centres, which provides them with order and stability. These routines help children regulate their lives in a fast-paced world, leading to fewer power struggles, reduced stress and anxiety, and the development of healthy habits. Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids notes that these benefits extend to families, offering a win for everyone.

Encouraging Families to Enrol

With numerous care options available, it’s crucial for early learning centres to encourage every family to enrol. Here’s how you can do this:

Ensure Every Enquiry Is Answered Promptly

The first impression a family gets from your centre is crucial. It sets the tone for all future interactions. It’s about building connections and nurturing relationships from the very first experience. If you need assistance, Enrolment Hub’s Enquiries Team can support you by answering all calls and enquiries, addressing family questions, explaining the enrolment process, and booking centre tours. This ensures that every enquiry is handled promptly, allowing you to focus on what matters most.

Educate Yourself on Available Benefits

Families are looking to you as the expert to guide them on how to maximise their entitlements and continue their child’s early learning journey. Stay updated by regularly checking resources like Services Australia’s Child Care Subsidy information and your local state government’s guidelines. This knowledge will empower you to provide accurate information and support to families.

Ace Your Sales Pitch on Centre Tours

Refine your sales pitch to highlight the benefits, programs, and add-ons your centre offers. Explain the psychological, social, and educational benefits of early learning for both children and families. Encourage families to ask questions and answer them confidently, instilling trust and assurance in the investment they are making in their child’s future.

Make Enrolment Easy for Families

After a tour, simplify the enrolment process for families. Whether it’s through an online form, an automated email marketing sequence, or a dedicated enrolments team, make the transition from interest to enrolment as smooth as possible. A centralised enrolments team can significantly help by building strong relationships with families and offering a seamless, personalised experience.

Looking Ahead

The social and financial effects of recent years will continue to impact the early education sector and families. While it may seem overwhelming, remember that you’re not alone. Enrolment Hub is here to support you every step of the way as you navigate the upcoming enrolment period as well as helping with how to encourage families to enrol.

Enrolment Hub offers a comprehensive range of early learning and childcare centre services, including early learning administration, management solutions, centre enrolment, marketing solutions, new centre support, software management, centre resources, vacation care management, enquiry support, and consultancy. Contact our team today to discuss how we can support your centre’s success.

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